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Mrs. Lyke's Prowling PUMAS Program is off to a Great Start!


Students start at the light pole outside the green hallway doors (near the restroom. They run around the basketball court, past the tree, around the soccer field & soccer field light post - back to where they started. That is 1 lap

After each full lap, students pick up a popsicle stick. 5 Laps = 1 mile

*All students must complete 1 mile (earning a toe token) before they may receive a necklace.

Students are responsible for keeping track of their necklace & toe tokens!

Students who have participated in Prowling Pumas in the past should bring their necklace from home to keep adding to it this year!

Each time students complete 5 laps, they turn in their popsicle sticks for a toe token. *Even if they plan to run more laps before recess is over

Jot down the student's name and "5" on the tracking log.

Circle the 5 to indicate that the student received their toe token.

All students must "check out" and turn in their popsicle sticks at the end of recess each day. They do not hold onto the popsicle sticks.

Laps may carry over from one day to the next.

Encourage participating students to complete at least 5 in a week to ensure they earn their toe token.