- Klatt Elementary
- Attendance
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Attendance & Absences
ASD considers school attendance extremely important, therefore regular attendance is expected of all students.
Please call the office before 9:00am to report an absence. Attendance calls go out at 9:30am for students considered absent.
For more information about ASD's attendance policy, please see the Elementary School Handbook.
Pre-Approved Absences
Please notify the office at 742-5750 to pre-approve school absences and to pre-arrange homework for your child.
An absence may be coded unexcused if the student demonstrates or is a risk of chronic absenteeism or is below academic proficiency. Chronic absence is missing 10 percent or more of school for any reason.
Early pick up
Parent/guardian authorization is required for any student leaving school at times other than the normal dismissal time (2:30pm). Persons picking up a student during the school day must report to the office and sign the student out; they may not go directly to the classroom. Only persons who are listed on the enrollment form or on an emergency release form may sign a student out. If parents/guardians desire to have someone else sign their child out, they must send a written note along with the person who is signing the student out, and the adult signing the child out must provide identification to the office staff. Students who are returning during the school day will sign in at the office prior to returning to class.
Tardiness disrupts instruction for the late student and the rest of the class. Students who are not in their classroom ready to learn at 8:00am or when the school day begins are considered tardy.