Parent Information

  • STrEaM Academy Logo

    Parent communication is one of our most important goals. We provide a bi-monthly newsletter, weekly update on our schedule and events, active social media presence and personal communication by email, phone or in person. Keeping you informed and involved is very important to us!


    Logo refinement by George Meyer, PLAID Agency

Rapids Report:


  • Anchorage STrEaM Academy Schedule

    Monday & Friday

    8:30 - 9:20 First Period

    9:25 - 10:15 Second Period

    10:20 - 11:10 Third Period

    11:15 - 12:05 Fourth Period

    12:05 - 12:20 Lunch inside

    12:20 - 12:50 MIDDAY Break outside

    12:50 - 1:40 Fifth Period

    1:45 - 2:35 Sixth Period

    2:40 - 3:30 Seventh Period

    Tuesday / Thursday - BLOCK DAYS

    8:30 - 9:10 Advisory 

    9:15 - 10:35 First / Fifth

    10:40 - 12:00 Second / Sixth

    12:00 - 12:15 Lunch inside

    12:15 - 12:45 MIDDAY Break outside

    12:25 - 2:05 Third / Seventh

    2:10 - 3:30 Fourth / SPECIALS

    Wednesday - Early Release Day

    8:30 - 9:15 Advisory

    9:15 - 12:30 Projects

    12:30 Dismissal - Lunch off campus today




  • We do not provide district food service lunches. Students are expected to bring their own lunch. 


    ASA is looking for parent volunteers to help coordinate other lunchtime options, such as food trucks or "Pizza Fridays" If you have the time / talent to help us augment our lunchtime offerings, please call the office.


    EMERGENCY lunches are available for students who are economically disadvantaged and come from food insecure homes or students who have forgotten their lunches. Donations are always welcome. Our Pantry Program is organized by Friends of Stream and is the passion project of one of the members. If you are interested in helping to support this project, please ask Mrs. Biondich.

    We will always allow any student to get a snack or lunch if they are hungry!


  • We have Chromebook laptops, and much of our curriculum is accessed online using Canvas and Google Classroom. 

     Students may bring laptops or tablets, provided they follow school, classroom and district policies on responsible use.


  • STrEaM does not require parents to volunteer, but it is a critical commitment we ask you to make. 


    (link) Volunteer Information & Requirements


    If you are interested in helping with a planned event or if you have a particular passion please call the front office and we will help you get started!  Fundraisers, Student Showcases, our annual I AM celebration, and Sports are some of the many opportunities we have available for volunteers.  Call 742-9002