- Anchorage STrEaM Academy
- Agenda & Minutes
ASA APC Agenda & Minutes
ASA APC complies with the Open Meeting Act
Sec. 44.62.310. Government meetings public.
(a) All meetings of a governmental body of a public entity of the state are open to the public except as otherwise provided by this section or another provision of law. Attendance and participation at meetings by members of the public or by members of a governmental body may be by teleconferencing. Agency materials that are to be considered at the meeting shall be made available at teleconference locations if practicable. Except when voice votes are authorized, the vote shall be conducted in such a manner that the public may know the vote of each person entitled to vote. The vote at a meeting held by teleconference shall be taken by roll call. This section does not apply to any votes required to be taken to organize a governmental body described in this subsection.ASA APC uses Roberts Rules of Orders
Learn more about Robert's Rules of Order, Parliamentary Procedure, Bylaws, Conducting Meetings, and Taking Minutes with RulesOnline.com.
Some ASA APC members have attended training on Roberts Rules from Jurassic Parliament