Community information

  • Our District


    About ASD, our strategic goals, and the office of the superintendent and chief reports.




    News from the desk of the superintendent, Dr. Jharrett Bryantt


    Employee Directory


     Find staff email address, work location, and phone numbers.


    Data Dashboard


    A public dashboard featuring data on student academic status, attendance, on track for graduation, and behavior/discipline.


    Contact Us


    Submit your comments or suggestions online.


    Hot Topics


    Read the back story of hot topic issues at ASD.

  • Anchorage School Board


    The Anchorage School Board is a municipal-wide elected body with governance responsibility for the Anchorage School District.


    Board Members


    The seven-member Anchorage School Board is the governing body for the Anchorage School District. Elected each year for overlapping terms, each member serves for a three-year term. 


    Board Meetings


    The Board meets twice a month using the following format:

    • 4-6 p.m. Work session in the boardroom
    • 6-7 p.m. Regular meeting - executive/early session in conference room 150
    • 7 p.m. Regular meeting – late session in the boardroom
  • Jobs at ASD


    Apply for a job at the Anchorage School District!


    School Bonds


    School bond information, FAQs, and comment box.


    Rent a Facility


    Learn about ASD facilities available to rent, rental policies, and submit requests.




    Current project information.


    Vendor Info



    School Business Partnerships


    SBP operates as a non-profit corporation that provides guidance and direction for partnerships that range from a one-person business to large organizations.



    Government Relations 


    ASD's legislative priorities: Base Student Allocation, Busing, and Bond Debt Reimbursement