- Anchorage School District
- Dashboard
Measuring Progress in Anchorage School District
In order to meet its mission, Educating All Students for Success in Life, ASD is committed to strategic initiatives and goals. Goals are SMART as they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. The following data dashboards use varying measures to evaluate progress.
Increase Reading Proficiency
Beginning September 2020, the percentage of third grade students proficient in reading on the state summative test (currently AK STAR) will increase from 40% to 80% by May 2026.
State Proficiency Assessment
The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) and the Alaska Science Assessment are designed to measure understanding of the skills and concepts outlined in the Alaska English Language Arts and Mathematics Standards and the K-12 Science Standards for Alaska
Student MAP Growth Results
The Interim Benchmark Assessment is used up to three times per year to assess all students grade 3-9 to measure learning progression in standards and growth.
Increase Math Proficiency
Beginning September 2020, the percentage of students in grades 3-9 proficient in mathematics on the state summative assessment (currently AK STAR) will increase from 40% to 55% by May 2026.
State Proficiency Assessment
The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) and the Alaska Science Assessment are designed to measure understanding of the skills and concepts outlined in the Alaska English Language Arts and Mathematics Standards and the K-12 Science Standards for Alaska
Student MAP Growth Results
The Interim Benchmark Assessment is used up to three times per year to assess all students grade 3-9 to measure learning progression in standards and growth.
College, Career, Life Ready
Beginning with the Freshman Class in September 2020, the percentage of high school students graduating Life Ready as well as College and/or Career Ready will increase from a baseline of TBA% in Spring 2022 to 90% in Spring 2026.
College Ready
Students On-track for Graduation
Represents students who have completed courses or credits to satisfy graduation requirements.
Career Ready
Life Ready
State of Alaska Report Card to the Public
The State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development produces an annual report card to the public on school districts and schools. The report card covers everything from finances, attendance, test scores, and teacher quality.
Learn more about the State Report Card